Self-Care Ideas You’ll Love

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It can be difficult to practice self-care when you are busy, but it is important. Self-care is a simple way of looking after yourself and ensuring that you don’t get sick or burned out. It’s also essential for your mental health and well-being.

And if you’re looking for some simple ways to practice self-care – here are a few ideas that should do the trick!

  • Go for a walk outside, especially if you live somewhere with greenery: Getting fresh air is great for your mind and will give you an energy boost!
  • Do something that makes you happy: Make sure whatever you choose doesn’t take up too much of your time. Self-care should be about making yourself feel good – it’s not selfish! 
    • Ex. watching funny videos on YouTube
  • Give yourself permission to relaxTry this by turning off all notifications on your phone or computer before doing anything else in order to avoid stress. You don’t need constant updates from social media when practicing self-care.
  • Take five minutes to do something that will make you feel more organized:  It doesn’t matter what it is – put the dishes in the dishwasher or quickly go through your wardrobe. Taking a little bit of time for yourself can help with stress relief!
  • Meditate and relax at home by using an app like Headspace or Calm: This takes commitment, but one session per day could have significant benefits on your mood and mental health.
  • Take a hot bath with Epsom salts: This will help your mind wind down at the end of a busy day. You can also add some lavender oil if you want an aromatherapy session.
  • Read your favorite book: Whether it’s about another culture, an adventure, or a love story – spend just a few minutes each day reading.
  • Put together your own self-care kit: Pick things that make you feel good! This is an easy way of making sure that you always have what makes you happy on hand when needed. Think about including candles, your favorite hand lotion, chapstick, and a great water bottle.
  • Come home from work and put on your comfy clothes: This is a great way to separate work from home with a style transformation.
  • Call a friend or family member to talk: Is there always someone who picks you up when you’ve had a rough day? Do they listen to you without judgment? Then why not give them a call. Spend a few moments talking to them and watch your mood improve. (And be sure to offer the same listening ear in return.)
  • Watch your favorite television show or movie: Yes, this may seem frivolous, but if it brings a smile to your face and you enjoy doing it – then it’s self-care. So pop that popcorn and sit back and relax.
  • Fix a healthy meal: If you’ve found that your diet has been filled with more processed foods or takeout than you’d like, why not take the time to prepare a healthy meal? Cooking is a great way to refocus your mind and give your body the nourishment it deserves. (Be sure to make plenty so you can enjoy leftovers, too.)
  • Go to bed early: Are you feeling run down and that your energy is depleted? Then it may be time to look at your sleep. Are you getting enough of it? If not, try going to bed about 30 minutes earlier and see what that does for your energy levels.

These are just a few of the many ways to practice self-care, so be sure to find some methods that work for you and take some time for yourself every day!

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