30-Day Photo Challenge

 In Blog

Do you love a good challenge? Are you always willing to try something new? Then how about participating in a 30-Day Photo Challenge?

It’s really easy! And you don’t have to be a “real” photographer to take part! All you need is a camera – and yes, you can use the one on your phone! 

  • Day 1 – Self-Portrait: Yes, you’re going to start by taking a selfie or self-portrait. PixInFocus has some tips that can help! (And you can always pick up an inexpensive phone tripod with a remote to help.)
  • Day 2 – Food: You can’t post great photos to Instagram of what you’re eating without practice. 
  • Day 3 – Something You Love: Today is all about love and taking a photo of something or someone you love is the challenge.
  • Day 4 – Symmetry: Take a photo that depicts symmetry in some fashion. 
  • Day 5 – Clouds: Whether they are white and puffy or dark and stormy, take some cloud pictures today.
  • Day 6 – Rule of Thirds: The “Rule of Thirds” is well-known to photographers and can help you take better photos. Read up on it, and then take a picture where you incorporate what you’ve learned. 
  • Day 7 – Sunrise: Get up early and capture the sunrise on your camera.
  • Day 8 – Sunset: And today, you’ll capture the sunset. 
  • Day 9 – Your Favorite Color: Whatever your favorite color is – take a photo that captures that color. They say all the world’s a rainbow, but today you just need to capture one color from that whole spectrum.
  • Day 10 – Architecture: Do you have a favorite building that you admire? Head there to take a cool picture of your favorite place.
  • Day 11 – Reflection: You can use a mirror or perhaps a still lake or pond (or even a puddle) and take a photo that demonstrates reflection.
  • Day 12 – Movement: There are so many different directions you could go with this prompt – so get creative!
  • Day 13 – Landscape: Let nature inspire you today and take a landscape photo.
  • Day 14 – Pattern: There are patterns everywhere, and they make for fantastic pictures. Find one today! 
  • Day 15 – Flowers: Find some flowers today and spend some time photographing them at different angles. 
  • Day 16 – Black and White: Today you can explore the world of black and white photography. Take a picture of whatever you like in black and white mode. 
  • Day 17 – Dark: You could go outside after dark and take a picture or find a dark space in your home.
  • Day 18 – Close-Up: Taking a close-up can be challenging – as you want the picture to keep its definition. But don’t be afraid to zoom in and see what you come up with!
  • Day 19 – Something Old: Whatever old means to you – today you photograph it!
  • Day 20 – Something New: And the opposite of old is new – and that’s today’s subject matter.
  • Day 21 – Part of Your Daily Routine: Everyone has things that they do every day. Take a picture of part of your daily routine.
  • Day 22 – Trees: Find some beautiful trees and snap some pics!
  • Day 23 – Trio: Lots of things can come in groups of three, so find something that represents a trio.
  • Day 24 – Bright: Lots of things can be bright – so find your inspiration.
  • Day 25 – A Sign: It can be a real sign (such as a street sign) or something that acted as a sign to you.
  • Day 26 – Smile: This is an easy one today! 
  • Day 27 – Stairs: Play with angles today as you photograph stairs.
  • Day 28 – Your Happy Place: Take a picture of your happy place.
  • Day 29 – Home: Snap a photo of your home – or something that reminds you of home.
  • Day 30 – Time: It could be as simple as a clock or something that shows the passing of time – you choose!

Grab your camera – or your phone – and get started today on the 30-Day Photo Challenge. You might be pleasantly surprised by how much your picture-taking skills improve with 30 days of practice and dedication.

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